The Sugar Land Flying Saucer recently celebrated some of their most achieved Beerknurds by hosting a MOU-only party. Doors opened at 10AM to give MOUs first dibs on the most exclusive and rare beer in Houston, the Founders Canadian Breakfast Stout. Flying Saucer Sugar Land manager, Matthew Richard, was excited for the chance to thank the passionate beer lovers with such a great event. “We had a great turnout, with some members traveling from different states to enjoy it. We sold out the entire keg by early afternoon.”
It truly pays to be a Beerknurd. Keep your eyes open for special Beerknurd-only parties and discover the perks of collecting plate-after-plate. Until then, enjoy this Beerporn from the event. (Photo credit: Misty Glick, Sugar Land Beer Goddess)
- (L-R) Tommy Lanier, Natalie Clingensmith, Candace Rich, and Ricardo (Ricky) Fletes (an employee who also happens to be an MOU)
- Founders CBS and Blushing Monk
- Ed and Austin’s Flight. Both members actually have 17 plates.
- Founders Canadian Breakfast Stout
- Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout
- Founders Blushing Monk
- Beer Goddess behind the bar
- Candace Rich, Sugar Land Beer Goddesses
- (L-R) Candace Rich, Natalie Clingensmith, and Matthew Richard
- Grant and Ginger Qualls, one of Sugar Land’s married MOU couples drinking the CBS
- (L-R) Mike McMonagle. Steve Gassen and Mark Nutter with CBS
- Regulars from Downtown enjoying Founders
- MOU selfie stick moment
- CBS in Teku glass and KBS in snifter
- Ricardo (Ricky) Fletes
- Founders CBS, KBS, and Blushing Monk all sitting side by side
- Several regulars from the downtown location. Sugar Land’s Tommy Lanier (2nd from left) and James Berryhill (far right)
- THE Tommy Lanier
- Tim Haney (10 plates SL) with his first glass of Founders CBS