Stumbling Santa Pub Crawl Memphis Flying Saucer Beerknews

Stumbling Santa Pub Crawl: Support Cheer and Beer in Memphis

Written by: Andy Cope

Flying Saucer, Porter-Leath and more than 5,800 preschoolers need your help. Each year the Stumbling Santa Pub Crawl brings over 1,200 jolly beer lovers— dressed in their finest Santa suits—to Downtown Memphis to raise money and collect toys for kids in need while enjoying some of the best beer the world has to offer. Through the generosity of all these Santas, we’re able to help Porter-Leath give thousands of underprivileged preschoolers the joy of opening a gift on Christmas. The event continues to grow just like Santa’s big belly and space is getting tighter and tighter in the Flying Saucer, the home base for the crawl. This is where we need your help.


This year, we want to make sure that there’s enough room to keep every Santa warm and full of cheer. So, we’re looking to raise $7,000 for a tent big enough to do just that. In order to help us make the largest donation possible to Porter-Leath, we’re asking for your donations to help cover the costs of the tent. Other than helping the greater cause, we want to make it even more worth your while to donate.

Donate $100 (or more) and you will get access to an invite-only party on November 12th, featuring some of Santa’s secret beer stash. Thanks to the generosity of the Man in Red, you’ll enjoy exclusive beer that’s not readily available in Memphis or even the US. Don’t miss the chance to drink really great beer while helping a really great cause. DONATE NOW!

Porter-Leath gives hope and help to Memphis’ at-risk children and families. For over 160 years, they’ve been involved in making the lives of Memphians better.

Share this great cause with all your friends and remember to join the fun of the Memphis Stumbling Santas on December 5th.


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