Austin Flying Saucer was the scene where the beer god himself, Ken Grossman, decided to pay us mere mortals moments of his precious time. The legendary founder of Sierra Nevada Brewery is currently out seeing the country as part of the epic Sierra Nevada Beer Camp On Tour, which is rocking Austin on Saturday, June 24th. And despite the fact that he is responsible for inspiring the “Flying Saucer way” of beer and, even more important, really kickstarting the United States craft beer movement, Ken couldn’t be more humble, approachable, personable, and just damned fun.
Ken spent a couple of hours personally meeting and greeting Austin Beerknurds, signing their Sierra Nevada swag, and chatting them up about beer. It was everything we wanted to be able to offer Beerknurds when we launched over 22 years ago — the exclusive chance to shake hands with a true pioneer and hero. Ken was overly gracious with his time and energy, and made sure to thank each Beerknurd for supporting Sierra Nevada and craft beer. Without you all, none of us (Sierra Nevada, Flying Saucer, any other craft beer entity) would be around. So, we echo Ken’s sentiments and thanks.
Our biggest thanks to Ken Grossman and his crew for making time to visit Austin Flying Saucer. It was a true honor. Be sure to follow your Flying Saucer on social media to learn about more exclusive opportunities like this. And get your tickets to the remaining Sierra Nevada Beer Camp On Tour festival dates.