
Try a six-pack for your six-pack

Written by: Andy Cope

Did you make a resolution to get in shape in 2016? Could a six-pack get you that six-pack? Perhaps, according to a study analyzing the relationship between alcohol consumption and physical activity.

To wit, “The results of this study strongly suggest that alcohol consumption and exercise are positively associated and that this correlation persists even at heavy drinking levels.” Meaning the more you exercise, the more you drink, or the more you drink, the more you exercise. That fact remains unclear.

How can this study make you look better?

Researchers distributed a survey asking individuals to disclose how many minutes of physical activity they participated in each week along with their monthly alcohol consumption. Turns out that people who drink more exercise more than those who abstain from alcohol—sometimes almost 20 minutes more per week. So, all those people you see jogging may actually be enjoying a full life of exercise as well as good beer.

A strict workout routine doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a nightcap at the end of the day. Those minutes pounding the pavement or banging out burpees in your early morning fitness class can yield good results regardless, assuming you’re following a somewhat healthy diet. The real question is: Why the correlation? Is working out a motivator to alcohol? Is alcohol a motivator to physical activity? Don’t know.

But the study has a few theories:

  1. Heavy drinkers (more than 46 drinks per month for females and more than 76 drinks per month for males) exercise more to balance out their calories from drinking or to try and negate any negative health effects their drinking causes. This is definitely plausible, especially when you consider the amount of calories contained in barleywine.
  2. Heavier drinkers participate in more of high-risk activities (e.g., extreme sports) as a result of their love of risk-taking, or what some might call a “party lifestyle.” This, too, is believable, as we all know that beer, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, biking and mountain climbing go hand in hand. You can do some serious calorie burning while out in the elements. And downing a few sessionable brews to celebrate a day conquering nature is a perfect reward. Which brings us to…
  3. A possible explanation—group sports. That’s right, you and your fellow weekend warriors gathering at your local Saucer for a few rounds after your softball, flag football, kickball, disc golf or basketball game. This may be the only exercise some Beerknurds get—and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, some Knurds may participate in biking, jogging, Crossfit or even yoga. Regardless, you enjoy your time exercising together. Odds are, you’re going to want to keep being together, so you develop good habits of regular exercise, socializing and craft beer enjoyment.

Whether the beer follows the exercise or the exercise follows the beer, the correlation between the two is looking really strong. So don’t think you have to give up beer (or your alcohol of choice) as part of your 2016 health and exercise resolutions. We all know that exercise is the key to staying fit, but with the right motivational factors and diet, your beer drinking ways could just help get you there, too. Just remember, as long as the calories burned are greater than those consumed, you should be in good shape.

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